Steve Jobs, visionary co-founder of Apple Inc., once said, „The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” And that makes perfect sense for TETRAEPIK, which has been loving, for over 26 years now, to do what it does for and with SAP SE, the German technological giant that leads the global market in enterprise application software.
“Run Simple”, no matter what
In line with its operational principle of „Run Simple”, SAP has helped TETRAEPIK grow, navigate constant market changes, and turn dreams into reality. Obviously it hasn’t been simple all the time, but wasn’t it another visionary, called Albert Einstein, who stated, „In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity!“?
TETRAEPIK has had its fair share of difficulties throughout its 26-year journey. When we dared to dream in 1997 of having our own language services agency, we were far from believing it would be a walk in the park. It wasn’t then, it hasn’t been since… it never is, actually. But we’re acutely aware that it would have been immensely more difficult if SAP hadn’t placed its trust in a newly formed company in early 1998, created by four daring, bold, and – why not – visionary translators.
Our role alongside SAP
We have always believed in our crucial role in harmonizing relationships between companies, institutions, and individuals from different countries, cultures, origins, and societies, as well as eliminating seemingly insurmountable language barriers. But doing so alongside the German giant and its global ecosystem allowed us to grow with SAP and break some paradigms.
After all, inexperience, youth, and irreverence can be assets, and being located on the fringes of Europe doesn’t necessarily have to be a disadvantage. We turned these challenges into opportunities and built bridges to Brazil, to the Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa, and to practically all European countries.
Adversity, bridges, and partnerships
SAP also helped us build other bridges, bringing us closer to agencies and customers worldwide, enabling us to partake in international partnerships and ultimately to found, together with 10 other agencies, a „business hub“ called ASAP Globalizers, of which we are extremely proud.
Even during the most challenging moments, such as the Great Recession from 2007 to 2009, the International Bailout to Portugal from 2011 to 2013, the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, and more recently, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, SAP has always stood by our side. It always believed that we could maintain our high levels of quality, commitment, and dedication, continuing to provide exemplary services with strict adherence to deadlines, unparalleled translation accuracy, and incomparable friendliness to everyone – all at competitive prices. In short, it always believed that we would uphold TETRAEPIK’s four guiding values: Efficiency, Precision, Interactivity, and Know-how.
Awards and future
We believe SAP has never regretted opening its doors to us in 1998. In fact, it proved this by awarding us the „Translation Partner of the Year“ in 2006/07 and highlighting our 25-year collaboration in 2023, granting us the „Long Service Award.”
We aim to continue earning the trust of SAP and all our other customers. That’s why we are committed to overcoming the challenges that Artificial Intelligence is already posing to our industry. After all, TETRAEPIK is convinced that what Abraham Lincoln once said makes perfect sense: „The best way to predict the future is to create it.”